Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Mission Statement

I havn't been absent from this blog by accident, rather I've been busy workin' hard at YFAIR. We now boast a new mission statement that goes like this...

"Youth Foundation of Apologetic Information and Research
YFAIR's mission is to bear witness of Jesus Christ and His restored Church while helping strengthen and defend the testimonies in the hearts of youth everywhere. To this end, we will assist other youth in understanding the doctrines and practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We will support them in this capacity with media and information that will develop comprehension and testimony, and we will do it in a style that is both logical and inspirational."

We worded it very carefully to express our deepest desires for those affected by this organization. YFAIR's mission is to bear witness of Jesus Christ and His restored Church. I was adamant about putting Christ at the beginning because it is sooo important that a Christian organization have Jesus Christ at the center of its purpose. How could we attempt to accomplish anything for the souls of our brothers and sisters if we don't strengthen their testimony of our Savior? That's right, we couldn't!

We're still a developing organization, but I think that this was an important milestone for us. Now we have a clear picture of our purpose and a standard to measure our progress against. The standard has been erected, now let us see who will take up the banner...


  1. May I suggest using this picture this picutre or this picutre instead of the one you have posted?

  2. That's a joke, don't think I'm insulted or anything.
